TermLimit is a (very) limited terminal emulator for the Newton. I wrote it so that I could retrieve my unread QuickMail while on the road.
TermLimit divides input and output into two onscreen areas: Text Received and Text To Send. Both areas have action buttons for accessing additional commands. In addition, there are a row of buttons across the bottom of the application for additional commands. These are detailed below:
Application Buttons
From Left to Right:
Setup - This button takes you to the Setup screen. Setup options are described later on.
Connect - This is represented by the phone icon. Clicking on it will display a popup list of connections. If you are already connected, it will read Disconnect.
Macro - Clicking on this button will show a popup list of macros. Clicking an item in this list will result in the selected macroÕs text being sent to the connection
Return - This is represented by the carriage return icon. Clicking on it will result in a CR being sent to the connection.
Send Text - This is represented by the handset icon. Clicking on it will send the text in the Text To Send area to the connection.
Text Received Action Button Items:
Print & Fax - Print or fax the contents of the received text buffer
Copy Receive buffer To Notes - Adds the contents of the received text buffer as a new note to the Notes application
Clear Receive Buffer - Clears the receive buffer
Text To Send Action Button Items:
Clear Send Buffer - Clears the text to send buffer
TermLimit Setup
Add Connection - Adds a new connection. A new untitled connection will appear in the list. Clicking on the connection will display its settings. You can set the name of the connection, whether it is a modem or serial connection, if its a modem connection you can set its phone number, if its a serial connection you can set a string to transmit on connecting, and a baud setting. Note: This version of TermLimit will only connect at 2400 baud, all other settings are ignored.
Remove Connection - Displays a popup list of connections. Choosing a connection from the popup list will delete it
Add Macro - Adds a new macro. A new untitled macro will appear in the list. Clicking on the macro will display its settings. You can set the name of the macro and the text to transmit when the macro is used. Note that the macro text can contain carriage returns and be longer than is displayed onscreen.
Remove Macro - Displays a popup list of macros. Choosing a macro from the popup list will delete it
TermLimit can miss characters during connections and will also sometimes not update its display with text it has received. It will lose text sometimes during heavy text reception. Text updates problems usually happen just before a prompt. For best results, dont use TermLimit with text intensive BBSs and try to use it with BBSs whose commands are familiar to you so that if it doesnt show the command line with the options, you still know what key to choose.
Also, set up macros for all your frequently entered commands, passwords, name, etc. It sure beats trying to handwrite.
Even with these limitations, it works pretty well for logging into QuickMail or similar connections.
If you cant live with these limitations then please buy one of the commercial solutions when they become available. This is not a commercial product nor will it ever be. There are excellent solutions in the pipeline from others (Ex Machina and CE Software) which will hapefully work with less problems. In the meanwhile, this will give you a taste of what the Newt will be like when it gets some serious communications capabilities.